
Subwoofer (aka Richard), an engineer and a knife and edged-tool enthusiast, is the creator of KnivesAreTools.
As an outdoor enthusiast, I’ve been using lights, edged tools, EDC gear, archery, hunting, shooting and fishing equipment for over 38 years, and a message very close to my heart is that Knives ARE Tools, and tools are what allow us to shape our world.
I’ve always explored the details of design and how things work, taking this beyond the subjective by developing tests and measurements that quantify capabilities and performance, to really see how well products work. With a Master’s Degree in Engineering I have a technical background and knowledge of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering as well as material science.
Before publishing websites, my reviews were 100% forum based, and you might recognise me from CandlePower Forums, Taschenlampen Forum, Fonarevka, British Blades, EDC Forums, Edge Matters, Bladeforums, Real Outdoors Forum, Spyderco Forums, Bushcraft UK Watchuseek, Watch Freeks, Bike Forums, Bike Radar and The Hunting Life amongst many others.
A photographer, writer, engineer, maker, designer, instructor, volunteer, analyst, editor, a Jack of all trades – master of some.