Tragically we are seeing a surge in violent crime where the underlying causes are complex and difficult to address. Government and the mainstream media are pandering to the popular, and misinformed, view that the object employed as a weapon is in fact to blame rather than the person choosing to do violence with it, and are creating the Knife Crime Epidemic of Misinformation.

Knives are tools. Yes, let’s say that again, Knives ARE Tools. Essential, versatile, and ancient. Man’s first true tool was a cutting tool, a tool which enabled our species to develop. Cutting is a fundamental process to allow us to shape our world, and absolutely necessary. However removed many people are from practicalities, we all need to prepare food and eat, and the knife is essential for our survival.

So why are so many people demonising this basic tool? Because it is the easy choice. There is no need to recognise the failings in community and government, instead you can point the finger at an inanimate object and say it is to blame.

Humans are ingenious and adaptable, and are very good at finding ways to hurt one another. Adapting all sorts of objects as weapons has been going on as long as we have existed and won’t stop. Bicycle spokes, umbrella ribs, screwdrivers, pencils, bricks and stones, baseball bats, a toothbrush handle, cars, the list is endless for items utilised as weapons, so why are all of these not banned?

The fundamental misinformation being spread is that this is ‘Knife Crime’, but it is not ‘Knife Crime’ it is ‘Violent Crime’ and the use of ‘Offensive Weapons’. Regardless of the object used to cause harm, the intent to injure or kill is the crime, not what is used to achieve it. Almost anything can be an ‘Offensive Weapon’ if the intent is to cause another person harm.

Constant demonising of a tool is causing damage to many aspects of our society. This constant repetition of misinformation results in a popular view that anyone using a knife is a bad person. The reality is that everyone uses knives every day, are you all bad people on the verge of being made to do someone harm by this evil object in your hand? Of course not.

By reinforcing this demonisation of an object, you start to imbue it with the power of fear. That constant message instils fear into people when they see a knife, and makes it more of a weapon of choice for those wanting to be feared. If you continue to follow this popular message you are only perpetuating the fear and becoming part of the problem.

Knives are tools – this is the correct message to be broadcasting. You either are a person to be relied on who can do practical jobs and install, repair and maintain a home, garden, workplace, hospital, or anything that needs to keep working, or you rely on someone else to do this, and that someone else will need and use a knife.

We are at a crisis point where misinformation is only reinforcing the problem, and creating a vicious cycle (literally), that we desperately need to break. Social, economic and community issues are the real answer to dealing with violent crime. Let’s put our efforts to solving the problem not misdirecting our efforts due to government and pressure-group policy makers trying to make enough noise to distract from the real issues that are much harder to change.

People who use knives as tools are the answer, not the problem.

A plumbing repair.

An electrical job.

Camping and outdoor leisure.


And what do you see here? A tent/tarpaulin peg, with shaped notches for various uses? Or did you see something else? What you see says more about you than what is in the photo.

Lets take a stand against the Knife Crime Epidemic of Misinformation that is trying to stop you seeing the truth. (NOTE: The author is based in the UK, but this is also a global issue.)